Subscriptions 2023 – 2024

Annual Subscriptions are £160 per membership year. This price is effective from January 2024.

The Membership year runs from 1st September to end of August.

Subscriptions can be paid by standing order or bank transfer – in full, or alternatively monthly by standing order. See Standing Order form for Bank details.

The monthly standing order amount is £13.75/month from January 2024.

Download a standing order form



Student and young members

For full-time students and those in receipt of unemployment or other benefits, subscriptions are £25 per annum.

A single membership subscription of £5 (no annual subscription) is payable until members reach the age of 21.


New Members

A new member should start to pay a subscription from week four of attendance.

The first 3 rehearsals are free of charge.


Music Hire

The vocal score hire charge is £5 per concert paid to the Treasurer.

Scores should be returned on the day of the concert to avoid paying a late return fee.


Gift Aid

Gift Aid is an important source of income for the Society and if you are a tax-payer and have not signed a Gift Aid Form please do so. The Treasurer will give you a form to enable the tax to be reclaimed from the Inland Revenue.

Click here to get to our Gift Aid declaration form.